Hello again, everyone!
Yeah, I know it’s been a while, but trust me when I say business is about to pick up. Why, you ask? Because the official pre-sale for my first novel, the Curse of House Corbant, is just four days away!
Holy Hell, let me read that again…
The pre-sale is only FOUR DAYS AWAY!
What am I gonna do? I didn’t think I’d make it this far!
All joking aside, it has been a very, very long road getting here. Some may remember very early drafts and experiments in writing from across that time, but I am glad to say I have grown as a creator and am finally releasing something that I feel I can be proud of. I hope it meets or exceeds your expectations…but of course, it will still be a few months before we find that out. Still, thank you for joining me, and, fortune prevailing, this should be only the beginning.
They say that artists use lies to tell the truth.
What truth will you find in the story to come?
As always, stay scary my friends!