
Hello everyone!

So let’s get real here for a moment. This may come as a surprise to some…or maybe not, who knows…but I am not a full-time author. I’m up every weekday to be in to a factory job at 6:00 am. A few years back this shift began at 4:30 am instead. That was fun.

Anyways, my day job is nothing spectacular. I run the wrapper in shipping for an interior door factory. On the plus side, the simplicity of the job does lend me a lot of time to do some scheming. Some of my best ideas have hit me as I’m watching stacks of doors spin on the turn-table. For this reason (and since we’re not allowed to have cell phones on the production floor), I always carry a stack of pocket notebooks with me at all times. You never know when inspiration will strike, so the trick is to always be prepared when it does. It’s also worth noting that any idea is worth writing down. If it doesn’t work now, you might come back to it later.

So that’s my life in a nutshell. Just like most, I spend the majority of my days at work (an average of ten hours a day). As to what happens at home…that’s a topic for another time.

Don’t forget that my first novel, the Curse of House Corbant, is currently up for pre-sale with the links on the Buy page. You can also enter my Pre-Sale Giveaway on the Buy page, with a chance to win free stuff! Don’t miss it!

As always, stay scary my friends!