
What lifts the veil?

Many and varied are the tales of those who come into contact with the darkness for the first time. Many and varied are the things that dwell within it, and so it is of little surprise that such a variety of first encounters would arise.

Take young Allison Corbant, for example. Her first experience with the darkness takes place in the form of disturbing nightmares. This seems rather benign compared to most who are first introduced to the darkness, but it foreshadows the struggles she will face as she slowly lifts the veil.

Others’ stories are far less pleasant.

There is another tale of a young girl whose family is quite literally torn apart by werewolves. Another speaks of a doctor who meets a fascinating patient only to find that she is hiding a secret well beyond his comprehension. A scholar who uncovers a not-quite lifeless corpse…a detective who finds himself chasing a strangely-prophetic murderer…a tourist that finds a mysterious relic that seems to alter the world around him…the list is long and inexhaustible.

And there are always more.

Every night, a new set of eyes are pried open by witnessing something they should not. Perhaps it is a friend’s lifeless corpse found bled dry in a back alley. Perhaps it is a disembodied voice guiding them to a truth they would have no way of uncovering on their own. It matters little. The lesson of that first encounter is always the same.

The darkness is everywhere.

Once again, I must inform you that his novel, the Curse of House Corbant, is available for pre-order if you wish to catch a glimpse of the darkness yourself. There is also a giveaway associated with this pre-sale, with the form to participate to be found on the “Buy” page. It would be wise to not allow this opportunity to pass you by.

There may not be another.

Until next time…

See you in your nightmares.