
What lifts the veil?

Many and varied are the tales of those who come into contact with the darkness for the first time. Many and varied are the things that dwell within it, and so it is of little surprise that such a variety of first encounters would arise.

Take young Allison Corbant, for example. Her first experience with the darkness takes place in the form of disturbing nightmares. This seems rather benign compared to most who are first introduced to the darkness, but it foreshadows the struggles she will face as she slowly lifts the veil.

Others’ stories are far less pleasant.

There is another tale of a young girl whose family is quite literally torn apart by werewolves. Another speaks of a doctor who meets a fascinating patient only to find that she is hiding a secret well beyond his comprehension. A scholar who uncovers a not-quite lifeless corpse…a detective who finds himself chasing a strangely-prophetic murderer…a tourist that finds a mysterious relic that seems to alter the world around him…the list is long and inexhaustible.

And there are always more.

Every night, a new set of eyes are pried open by witnessing something they should not. Perhaps it is a friend’s lifeless corpse found bled dry in a back alley. Perhaps it is a disembodied voice guiding them to a truth they would have no way of uncovering on their own. It matters little. The lesson of that first encounter is always the same.

The darkness is everywhere.

Once again, I must inform you that his novel, the Curse of House Corbant, is available for pre-order if you wish to catch a glimpse of the darkness yourself. There is also a giveaway associated with this pre-sale, with the form to participate to be found on the “Buy” page. It would be wise to not allow this opportunity to pass you by.

There may not be another.

Until next time…

See you in your nightmares.


Ignorance is bliss.

Remember this when you look into the darkness. The more you know, the less you will feel safe. Answers only lead to more questions, each more disturbing than the last. Keep this in mind as you look onward.

By now, perhaps you have had an introduction into this world of mine. I trust that yours was much more palatable than for those who already live within it. Under normal circumstances, when one’s eyes are forced open against the darkness, it is not a pleasant experience. Many reject the knowledge and force themselves back into blissful ignorance.

Once awakened, you cannot return to slumber.

In this world, what is familiar to you is more akin to a blissful dream. The mortals go about their daily lives, facing their petty struggles and insignificant hungers for convenience and novelty. However, once the dream is stripped away and the nightmarish truth is uncovered, it is impossible to return to the dream. Daily life loses its luster. Striving for convenience and luxury becomes a struggle for sanity and survival as one learns that the darkness is indeed everywhere.

The mortal mind does not wish to confront this terrible truth. They rationalize and explain away the darkness in whatever way they can. To admit that they are prey is unthinkable…but some are not given the luxury of denial. All too often, a survivor or witness of the machinations of the darkness will seek answers, and those answers will shatter the dream of mere mortal existence. Once awakened, the mortal will either combat the darkness…or join it. Among those whose eyes have been opened, there are no bystanders.

You are either predator…or prey.

Choose carefully.

Once again, I am too inform you that his novel, the Curse of House Corbant, is available for pre-order through almost any book-seller. In addition, there is a giveaway taking place for those who do pre-order the novel. Details can be found on the “Buy” page. Surely the items being given away would appeal to you. Small comforts to ward off the darkness…or welcome it.

Until next time…

See you in your nightmares.


You have made it this far.

Impressive. By now perhaps you have even committed to taking your first steps into my world. If not, you will not find me surprised. Mortals can be such cowards… Nevertheless, if you have taken the time to secure your own copy of the Curse of House Corbant, then you mustn’t forget to complete the form just below to enter the Pre-Sale Giveaway. Surely the offer of free merchandise in addition to your pre-order will please you. There is also tell that participation in the giveaway will grant you a glimpse of what awaits you from the book itself…

Now to my purpose.

Since you are here, I presume you wish to learn more about this world. Upon your first steps into it, you will find that it is not too different from your own. In fact, much of what you know and believe may still be applied here. Much of what you will see will be very familiar, from laws, to names, to histories, and so on.

Do not trust what you see.

If you would take anything from my words here, let it be that all things in this world are not as they appear. This world hides countless secrets. Some wish to remain hidden, while others would make their sinister natures known. Throughout this world’s history, there have been those who wished to protect the blissful ignorance of this world. Entire pieces of history have been altered or lost completely in order to hide what lurks in the darkness…including myself.

Beware of what you do not know.

The intention of those who buried the past may be noble, but ignorance of the darkness cannot protect you from its power. Perhaps it was wise to shield the world from a temptation to join with the darkness, or perhaps not. However, you will find that there are terrible truths hidden in the less-compelling pages of this world’s history books. Things that were meant to be forgotten should occupy those pages, but alas… Be wary not to go blindly into the darkness.

You may never return.

Until next time…

See you in your nightmares.


It is upon you.

The first tale from my world, entitled the Curse of House Corbant, is awaiting your pre-order. I will not trouble you with the details of what lurks within the narrative (certainly he will see to that), but I will say that it offers a crucial first glimpse into the world that awaits you. Though it matters little to me, it would behoove you to follow the link below to enter the pre-sale giveaway associated with the novel. Rumor tells of desirable materialistic goods being given to those who sign up, which undoubtedly would appeal to you.

But this is merely the beginning.

A full account of an entire world would be impossible in a mere 86,000 words. This is but the first piece in a much larger picture. However, where does it fit? What role do the struggles of Allison Corbant and her friends play in shaping this world? Alas, were I to reveal such secrets, that would negate the purpose of reading the tale for yourself, would it not?


Always, patience.

I can, however, reveal this: this world is bound by a set of infallible truths. Among these truths are that there are always forces at work beyond what the tellers of these tales reveal. Even if one cannot perceive it, the world around them is constantly in motion, guided by forces both mundane and beyond comprehension…at least for mere mortals such as yourselves.

The game is beginning.

Imagine this world as an immense chess board, with every person within it representing a single piece. Some are limited in their purpose, but useful nonetheless. Others can command entire sections of the board on their own. Only a handful can fathom the entirety of the board however. This is the level upon which I play. In time, perhaps you will begin to glimpse the bigger picture. Then again, perhaps not.

We shall see.

Until next time…

See you in your nightmares.



You have never met me.

At least for your sake, I hope that to be true. Allow me to introduce myself: I am the Dark Master. I have many other names, but it will suffice for you to know me as such for now. Now, to whom do I owe the pleasure?

…Nevermind, it matters little who you are. If you would make yourself known to me, I will leave such trivialities to your discretion. In the meantime, you must be wondering why I am here and not him. That is the purpose of this. I must inform you that henceforth, this blog will be active weekly, with the role of host alternating between he and myself. He will share with you thoughts and details from his world…and I will share my own. I expect that his company will be far more uplifting than my own. My world is a dark place, where every shadow hides secrets…such as myself.

If you have come looking for light or hope…

Leave. Now.

However, if you would look into the darkness…no matter what is looking back…then I bid you welcome. Stay for a time.

Stay forever.

Until next time…

See you in your nightmares.